I don't understand the language in this webpage. But still, I wanted to appreciate the excellent job you'd done. I'm using IP Messenger together with many of my friends in my office. We collectively wanted to give u a suggestion. If u could make the interface like a tree view (like in yahoo messenger) rather than a list view it would be wonderful.
I don't understand the language in this webpage. But still, I wanted to appreciate the excellent job you'd done. I'm using IP Messenger together with many of my friends in my office. We collectively wanted to give u a suggestion. If u could make the interface like a tree view (like in yahoo messenger) rather than a list view it would be wonderful.
あと、パスポート申請で、shirozu にしてくださいと言われたものの、結局、shiro[u]zu で通した覚えがありますね。
ところで、ipmsg は、大量/大きなファイル転送でも、プロトコル上は、特に問題ないように作ってあります。
(手元でのテストでは、10GB 以上の転送でも特に問題なくできています)